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Updated: Jan 29, 2021

Hello Everyone,

So I am back again and this time I decided to write about some blogging tips and what has helped me so far. I am not yet a pro blogger but with patience and determination, maybe one day. If you have just started blogging or are thinking about doing so, then this post right here will be of some help to you. If you don’t have a blog yet, what you waiting for? Here is a simple guide to help you start one. Okay, so you now have a blog and are writing posts and coming up with content every week or some even everyday, but what’s next after doing all that? Well I am here to tell you that I have 10 effective ways to promote your blog posts so that you can get yourself out there, gain some traffic and every other day.


In order for you to be able to promote your blog posts, you need to start from the beginning and make sure that you have quality content. Don’t just write for the sake of writing or because you need to publish a post on a specific day.


So you’ve written and published great quality content and now you need to be able to put them out there for others to see but there’s no way of doing that in your posts. For your content to be able to reach others, you need them to be shareable and that requires having sharing icons in your blog posts.


You’ve heard the phrase if you build it they will come, but I am here to tell you that’s not going to happen through osmosis or in some sort of magic way. Start by telling your friends and family that you have posts up and that you even started a blog just in case they don’t know yet.


We all know by now that social media is taking over and it’s where everyone is or hangs out these days. If you haven’t opened accounts on social media and are planning to promote your blog posts, well you’re missing out on putting your content out there. So go on and start opening those accounts be it Instagram, LinkIn, Twitter, Facebook, so on and so forth. There are so many, so choose what you can handle and start engaging.


Another way to be able to promote your blog posts is that if you are writing about a particular subject or topic and you have a specific person or site that relates to that or interests you, tagging them or mentioning their sites within your posts is really helpful because they will get to see who tagged them and end up seeing what you wrote about thus being able to get views to your post just by doing that.


Just as tagging people in your posts helps to promote your content, so does interlinking other blog posts you have written before within your posts. If they are related or can help the reader understand something you were discussing even more, then do drop the link within that specific blog post and remember to make it open in a different tab in order not to lose your reader’s attention and make them stay longer which does help when it comes to bounce rates and all which is a plus. More on what you should include in every blog post can be found here.


As much as your content is important, so are your images. I mean if you’re a food blogger or travel blogger or any other, your images do end up relating to your content and speaks to the reader more and so being able to share those images to other platforms helps to redirect someone back to your site.


In relation to using social media, don’t just have an account and do nothing. Once you get there you need to start joining groups or tribes of like minded people from blogging groups to tribes when it comes to tailwind because it’s great when it’s time to promote your blog posts within them plus there are so many awesome groups and other bloggers out there who are willing to help you and read your content because I am sure it will interest someone one way or another.


Guest posting is one of those things whereby if done right, can really be effective to promoting your content. This right here not only helps with the promoting aspect but it also helps to increase traffic to your site if you are having troubles with that.


If you’ve been blogging for a while now or just getting started, then you’ve probably heard about newsletters. These are usually used and sent when you have a new post up or need to inform your subscribers what has been going on lately within your blog, what’s yet to come, and if you have a freebie or checklist available for them.

Finally guys, that’s it. I’ve given you my 10 effective ways to promote your blog posts and I do hope they help someone whose been having problems with just that. If you have any more to add, please do tell in the comments below and know that I am always happy to learn more from you. Thank you for all the support and until next time, happy blogging. What has been the most difficult thing in your blogging journey?

Additional information and tips on how to promote a blog without paid ads.

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